Friday, January 1, 2010

A Sweet Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all our family and friends. We wish you all blessings, health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year. We spent the day in a laid-back way. We watched Halogen T.V., went to Central Market, and feasted on black-eye-pea dip, salad, and a very scrumptious sweet treat.

Jr. Chocolate Frosties: Free (our coupons were expired but the manager honored them anyway-so if you are ever at the intersection of Arapaho & Hillcrest stop in for a cheap treat)

Graham Cracker Chocolate Mix: .50 (on sale at a certain low price store-from $13 to .50-a great bargain)

Enjoying a sweet treat and watching Halogen: Priceless

Well we ate green, watched Green and now I have Green Gas. ~C~

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