Happy New Year to all our family and friends. We wish you all blessings, health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year. We spent the day in a laid-back way. We watched Halogen T.V., went to Central Market, and feasted on black-eye-pea dip, salad, and a very scrumptious sweet treat.
Jr. Chocolate Frosties: Free (our coupons were expired but the manager honored them anyway-so if you are ever at the intersection of Arapaho & Hillcrest stop in for a cheap treat)
Graham Cracker Chocolate Mix: .50 (on sale at a certain low price store-from $13 to .50-a great bargain)
Enjoying a sweet treat and watching Halogen: Priceless
Well we ate green, watched Green and now I have Green Gas. ~C~
My Tooth fell out! So Much for the Sweets! ~c~