Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Have A Nice Day

The day started off in haze of sleepiness. I have been away from the typical daily grind of rising early in the morning due to the holidays and the interim break between semesters. It was very cold and I wondered if Charles adjusted(lowered) our heat during the night. It was downright freezing and all I wanted to do was stay covered-up by my old worn quilt and crocheted blanket that my Grandmother made for me; but, alas duty called. I had to get up and get everyone out of the door on time. Of course, I put a pot of coffee on and pondered over all of the task that I needed to complete for the day. I was reminded of a facebook status update posted by my cousin detailing all her duties, obligations, and "mom" related tasks that she had to complete for that day. She simply stated, "I need a wife." Well of course, I was reminded of the powerful piece of feminist literature, "I need a wife" and thought wow!!!! there are times when I feel"I need a wife" also.

This article and statement really became concrete when I attempted to purchase stamps at not one but two post-office locations (thinking...wishing...that I had someone to do this simple task for me). It was only 30 minutes past closing and I assumed that the vending type machines that dispensed stamps in varying amounts and designs were still in existence. I assumed wrong. I was so frustrated. Not only did I use valuable time that could have been spent tackling another task from my list but I used "gas capital" that could/should have been saved since Charles paid $2.65 a gallon for it.

I finally returned home after picking up a delicious burger king meal for my 17year old. I felt defeated because I really wanted to get my "Happy New Year" cards to family and friends in the mail. I placed the keys on the counter and checked the baked potatoes that Charles had prepared while I was gone. It was at this moment that I noticed the take-out container from Dave's lunch. Impressed across the probably non-recyclable Styrofoam top was a picture of a smiley face and the words....:"Have A Nice Day." I thought if only all businesses, the post-office included or offered patrons such an admonition....we might stop stressing over events that are out of our control, such as not being able to purchase stamps and ....."Have A Nice Day."

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