My poor child Danielle is stressing and crying regarding going to twilight alums band 100 Monkeys. They play at The Lounge in Dallas Jan. 5 2010. Well she is only 17 and can't go clubbing just yet and I am to old to hang out at such spots. That time has come and gone. I feel for her but she'll have plenty of other opportunities to go clubbing when she is in her 30's.......................
Daddy still loves you Danielle.
She really wanted to go and even tried to enlist the service of her broth D-A-V-I-D to no avail. He has to work the next morning and didn't want to be around a bunch of screaming twilight girls and their moms........Sorry Dani....but last I heard about (40 minutes ago) She had found someone to accompany is she going to convince Dad to drop them off and wait for them outside the club???