Friday, March 5, 2010

Woo Hoo...It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Spring

I know it is hard to believe with the cool weather but it really is beginning to look a lot like Spring. We were in Oklahoma this past weekend and as I was looking at the planters I noticed signs of life. Right before my eyes, deeply planted in soil was the a glimmer of a green succulent accompanied by a very beautiful ladybug crawling to and fro. I was shocked because as you all gets downright cold in Oklahoma. At any is beginning to look a lot like Spring and Easter will be on the way.

We had a great time in Oklahoma and can't wait to get back to enjoy our family.........

1 comment:

  1. Okla HOMA..where the winds come sweepng dwn the lal ! Glad you are back and in the mood for Sprng. We just had a major I think the flowers will love it!


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